Meet Crowd Cow Ambassador Taylor Crowther

Taylor Crowther is a healthcare provider and fitness junkie. However, his proudest roles are husband and father. He is currently writing a book that debunks the nutrition, exercise and health myths with the use of science and evidence based studies.

Why is it important for you to know where your food comes from?

You may think you are eating healthy, but what you don't know is where your meat came from, how it was raised, and the drugs it was fed before it got to you. I love knowing that the food I am eating is coming from a healthy place, ensuring that I am getting the best quality for my money.

Who inspires you?

My Grandpa. He was a professional boxer whose career was cut short due to an injury. He took what he learned to open up a boxing gym for free to help troubled youth get off the streets and learn discipline and to become outstanding citizens. He devoted his life to helping others.

What is your most memorable meal?

The Triple Bypass Burger at the Vortex grill in Atlanta, Georgia.

What’s your favorite meat dish or meat preparation? Do you have a recipe you would like to share with us?

I don't have a specific favorite as long as it is cooked in a smoker.

What is your greatest accomplishment?

Completing my Masters degree and Physician Assistant program while having two children during my schooling.

What is on your bucket list?

Staying in an overnight bungalow in the Pacific Islands.

How do you stay motivated?

I'm always setting new goals and challenges to overcome. By focusing on achieving these goals, I'm able to continually stay motivated and move forward.

What’s your morning routine?

Immediately after waking up I pray, read, go to the gym, meditate and then start the day.

What’s the one thing in your kitchen you couldn’t live without?

Not necessarily in my kitchen but it would have to be my smoker.

Vanilla or chocolate?

Vanilla for sure!